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don't need a smile - alpha jet
Jeu 4 Jan 2018 - 7:14

dont need a smile

  • alpha jet
  • 23 years old
  • pilote
  • myosotis
  • nice guy

lil boy doesn't care of danger

enfant qui rêve se désespère, alpha jet vole tel un oiseau qui s'échappe, il oublie tout lorsque les hélices se mettent à tourner, à s'élever, lorsque l'impose machine se décroche du sol,
alpha jet se perd.
garçon joyeux, qui rit de bon cœur et taquine, il est cet ami sympathique qui enjolive nos journées mornes, il est ce rayon de soleil brillant qui balaye les idées noires.
il est cette lumière qui attend qu'on voit toute la complexité de sa composition.
alpha jet n'est pas né gentil,
il n'est pas naturellement bon,
on dit que ceux qui sourit le plus

sont les plus tristes.
les plus misérables,
ceux qui souffrent en silence,
et font croire,
dans des délires illusoires
qu'ils sont heureux.
la mort n'est qu'un échappatoire.

il s'est suicidé une fois, pourquoi pas deux ?
Jeu 4 Jan 2018 - 7:16

angelic hoodlums and holy ones



You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

exotic love


le charlatan

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.    

short description or quote or whatever tf


short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.    

Jeu 4 Jan 2018 - 7:17

bastards and bitches, haters gonna hate

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf


short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.    

short description or quote or whatever tf


short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.    


et c'est à vous ♥️
Réglisse & Caramel
Réglisse & Caramel
don't need a smile - alpha jet  7ed6de10
Messages : 24
Pouvoir : sensation
Symbole : Contact avec l'eau
Occupation : Acrobate apprentie —
Avatar(s) : Jolyne Kujo - JBA / Corto Maltese
Mar 9 Jan 2018 - 12:47
DOGE SUCH MUCH WOW DOGE SUCH MUCH WOW DOGE SUCH MUCH WOW DOGE SUCH MUCH WOW DOGE SUCH MUCH WOW Réglisse elle voudra faire un tour dans son avion ! Ça dirait à Jet d'être babysitter d'un sale gosse qui le distraira trop pour qu'il pense à mourir ?

(je devais demander un lien. 'fin, je veux dire, entre ava JBA, c'est obligé !)
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